Who is Jack?
Jack’s DOGs is named for Moonshadow’s Black Jack, C.D., C.D.X., C.G.C, the dog who opened my eyes and heart to “dogability.” He was a pet and companion first, but was also a hunting retriever and obedience trial champion. Later in life he carried baskets, turned out lights, and earned the AKC Canine Good Citizen’s title at age 10. Jack was truly an all-around dog and teacher who changed the course of my life.
The DOG in Jack’s DOGs stands for Depend on God.
Explain “Dogability”
“Dogability is the innate ability of dogs (and animals) to enrich daily life; provide unconditional, non-judgmental love; encourage children and adults to meet life’s challenges; and promote emotional, physical, mental and spiritual health.” Jan Nowicki
How do I/we schedule a visit to our facility?
Please contact us via e-mail or phone and give us the basic information about your facility and your needs, including your location. We can then try to match you with available Pet Partners teams in your area. We will schedule a meeting to discuss your needs, our services, and Pet Partners policies. We can also help you establish effect therapy animal visit policies and procedures. Click on this link to learn more about Pet Partners facility information.
How can I help?
To make a donation or sponsor a therapy animal, please send checks, payable to Jack’s DOGs, Inc., to our address on the Contact page. We deeply appreciate any donations received and will send you a receipt for your donation. All donations are tax-deductible.
If you’d like to help but don’t have a therapy pet, we are always looking for talented staff and support people in positions such as administrative, creative arts, photography, hosts/hostesses and event planning. Let us know what your talents are.
How do I sign-up for training?
Please contact us via e-mail or phone and give us the basic information about your pet’s breed, age, training, and needs, including your location. We will schedule an initial meeting to discuss your needs, our services, and Pet Partners policies.